Sunday, August 11, 2013

Another day of planning and organizing!

We went shopping the other day to get some more school supplies.  We got some more paper, pencil box, erasers and some little things that we needed.  I have my computer set up. I have received just about all of the items that I ordered  so we are just about ready to go.

I had one snag. Our Math book did not arrive nor did our planner.  They both say delivered when I track them but The were not delivered to me. So.. I reordered the math book so that we can get started while I figure out what happened to the other one. I have spoken to the seller and will be stopping at the post office on Monday to see if it is there. I dont believe that it is since I have a PO Box and I have gotten everything else there. We shall see. Worse case scenario, I have two and I sell one and buy something else.

I have been playing with an planner that I heard about on one of the groups that I found when I was looking to network. I cant tell you which one since, I don't remember which it was. It is called Homeschool Tracker basic addition and you can get it free here. There is a free version and a paid version. I was thinking that I would try the free one first and then if I loved it, then maybe I would consider purchasing the other one.

This tracker keeps track of assignments, attendance, reading logs, field trips, grades, and more. You can print a bunch of different reports... like assignments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The free version is not a trial and has no expiration date but wont be updated at all. This tracker also offers an upgrade to the Plus version with more features.  It also has a cloud option for use of it anywhere. 

I dont know if that will work. It looks great because it has attendance. It has reports for days and hours of attendance, Which are required in New York State. It can be used for multiple children. It also is specific for each school years. So, you can create a new active year and give it a specific name. I like these things but I'm visual. I like seeing things in print. So.. we shall see. I was thinking I could teach my daughter to use it to "sign in" each day.

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